Gay pride month flags

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The final day of the tribute, June 28, marks the 52nd anniversary of the beginning of the Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village.īlinken also said he had given ambassadors around the world permission to fly the pride flag if they desired. Hodges that legalized gay marriage nationwide.

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The secretary said the flag would be flown for three days beginning June 26, the anniversary of the 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Secretary of State Antony Blinken revealed at an Atlantic Council event Monday that the department will fly the “Progress” flag for the first time to mark Pride Month.īlinken described the flag - which incorporates a black, brown, light blue, pink and white chevron into the traditional rainbow-colored pride flag - as “a symbol that encompasses the diversity and intersectionality of LGBTQI persons and communities around the world.” The State Department will fly its pride flag later this month. US determines Brittney Griner wrongly detained in Russia WNBA star Brittney Griner makes first public appearance since arrestĬhina blasts US over wording change on State Department’s Taiwan websiteīahamas tourist deaths: Son describes mom’s horror as State Department ‘closely monitoring’ probe

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